viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

The misterious tutorial

First press the start up button to connect the computer.

Now hold mouse and press the Start icon to open the start menu.
Move the mouse and go to the execute button and click it.A new window will open.

Type in the execute window: cmd.
In MSD-DOS you can see characters, type help and you will be able to see all commands that you can type.
Now type:  ipconfig to see the operating system configuration.

Later close the window.
And go to the start button and click it, later click the execute button.
Now type in the execute window: windword.
Type the following text:
Barsa is the best football team in the world.
Ok, now close the window of the text editor and save results in your desktop with the name: Team.docx
And finish this tutorial holding the mouse and clicking on the start button and turning off your computer.

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